Sunday, June 7, 2009

Finished painting underneath

I have now got all three sections cleaned up and painted underneath. The middle and end sections still need some rust work to the inner sills but nothing major. The end section also has a couple of bad holes in the floor but these will be easier to fix from above once the section is on the ground again (rather than standing up). Next step now is to drop all the pieces back onto the ground and roughly line them up. That will create room in the garage again for Beck to put her car back in the garage too and as we're off overseas for a holiday in a couple of weeks I won't get any more work done until we get back late July. By the way I didn't miss that section of floor when I was painting - this area will be cut out to make room for the engine so I figured there was no point in painting it. I did clean it up as I will use that section of floor to repair other rusted areas.

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